Showing posts from August, 2017
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REIKI HEALING EGGS AGATE ONYX GREEN ONYX AGATE ONYX AGATE ONYX GREEN AGATE Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles of conflicts of all kinds, or while hurrying down a dark street late at night. In classical ceremonial magic, the image of the head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was engraved on onyx and carried for courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx protected them from the evil eye, and that placing onyx on the stomach of a pregnant woman in labor would reduce the labor pain and bring on earlier delivery. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BUY THIS ITEM SIMPLY CLICK ON THE PHOTO OF THE ITEM YOU WOULD LIKE IT WILL FORWARD YOU TO MY WEBSITE.. WHE...
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Hi guys I'm running a special offer on readings this weekend only!! I will be going live doing readings on my group and will be using my Angel Cards of your choice for 3 cards for £3 only!! THIS IS OVER HALF PRICE ON MY READINGS GUYS! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PUT YOUR NAME DOWN FOR THIS OFFER PLEASE INBOX ME AND WE CAN ARRANGE A SUITABLE TIME WITH TIME ZONES! Widgets
My Reiki with the Native Americans (Lakota Lullaby Great Spirit)
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Friday Night Live with JoanneClare on FaceBook At Love&Light Gifts
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FOCUS ON THE 4 CARDS BELOW! WHEN YOUR READY! PICK 1 CARD ONLY! CLICK ON YOUR CARD BELOW TO UPLOAD YOUR MESSAGE! (Card 1) (Card 2:) (Card 3:) (Card 4:) X May Love&Light surround you my friends X all my love JoanneClare
card 4: PICK ONE CARD!
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Card 4: Firm Foundation. You have been drawn to this card today with guidance from your Angels, they are drawing your attention to a subject concerning your future and need to ease your fears today, you have struggled for so long on building your foundations around you and securing your future, You have been working so hard and at times frustration has come over you, it seems as each step you make you fall 10 steps back and before long you realize you right back where you started with, but with only more and more problems to solve. Your Angels have drawn you here today because lately, you have had a lot of sleepless nights of worry, you need not fear regarding this subject anymore, Through all of your struggles and life lessons you are now in a time where you are in full line with your chakras, communication is at its peak for you, to learn how to open your abilities and use them please do your own research and attend classes that will help you develop. Your door is wide...
card 3: PICK ONE CARD!
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CARD 3: Material Harvest: You have been drawn to this card by no accident, if you have been working hard securing your future and not seeing any rewards from it! then this card is defiantly for you! This message that your going to hear today could be the sign you have been waiting for. Heaven has seen you work hard hour after hour and they have also heard your prayers, at times you might of thought they were wasted prayers that arent getting much notice you was totally off track there, the reason you thought you had no answers from your prayers and the time where you just work work and work, with your body aching you have felt weary through working as hard as you have but with your persistence and patience for your heart desiring and pushing you through every step of the way this is your rewarding timing, and you do deserve that reward after what you have been through. There has been time where it seems the whole world is ignoring you and let you down you ...
card 2: PICK 1 CARD!
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CARD 2 SUFFERING IN SILENCE. This card suggests of a person who has isolated him/herself from everyone else and closes them selves of to anyone becoming close to her, the feelings and emotions have toke as much as they can possible bare any more, and the only way of really coping and dealing with this situation is to completely close the self away from any more hurt or let down. This is a complete normal thing to do when we have had to much coming at us at once and we feel like we have been pushed in a corner, and the body goes into its natural survival mechanism, to avoid any more pain or upset we just simply close our self's off and put up an invisible wall that stops any further contact with anyone, if you are doing this with people how do you not know you are doing this with the spirit world and your past loved ones, as i can honestly say most of my experiences with the spirit world and my past loved ones has been at that time and moment when i need it most, this is the time...
card 1: PICK 1 CARD!
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Card 1: THE LIGHT. The light burns so brightly around you Each and every person on this earth, some people put that light to good use and help other beings where as others just continue their lives how they please the world we live in now has become such a place of selfish deeds and only have their best interests at heart. We were all born with the Light around us it gets stronger the more you do for others without wanting anything in return to you, I promise you if you do this your life will become a more peaceful and rewarding place, Embrace that light inside your heart & soul follow your dreams and desires they will lead you to your life purpose path, which is where you need to be. Stay focus and alert all of the right doors to the spirit world and their teachings will all open up in all good time, that time and moment will be when you are good and ready to take this all on, some of us say I'm ready when we are not really completely ready. Remeber only God an...