card 2: PICK 1 CARD!

This card suggests of a person who has isolated him/herself from everyone else and closes them selves of to anyone becoming close to her, the feelings and emotions have toke as much as they can possible bare any more, and the only way of really coping and dealing with this situation is to completely close the self away from any more hurt or let down. This is a complete normal thing to do when we have had to much coming at us at once and we feel like we have been pushed in a corner, and the body goes into its natural survival mechanism, to avoid any more pain or upset we just simply close our self's off and put up an invisible wall that stops any further contact with anyone, if you are doing this with people how do you not know you are doing this with the spirit world and your past loved ones, as i can honestly say most of my experiences with the spirit world and my past loved ones has been at that time and moment when i need it most, this is the time more than ever that they are all with you, giving you comfort!
especially stay alert if your feeling let down, hurt, alone. and with no one or any direction to turn to, that might be the time you actually get those signs and messages you have been waiting for.

this card is a number 9 which represents:

x may Love & Light peacefully surrounded you x


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