card 1: PICK 1 CARD!

Card 1: THE LIGHT.
The light burns so brightly around you
Each and every person on this earth,
some people put that light to good use and help other beings
where as others just continue their lives how they please
the world we live in now has become such a place of selfish deeds and only have their best interests at heart. We were all born with the Light around us it gets stronger the more you do for others without wanting anything in return to you, I promise you if you do this your life will become a more peaceful and rewarding place,
Embrace that light inside your heart & soul
follow your dreams and desires they will lead you to your life purpose path, which is where you need to be.
Stay focus and alert all of the right doors to the spirit world and their teachings will all open up in all good time, that time and moment will be when you are good and ready to take this all on, some of us say I'm ready when we are not really completely ready.
Remeber only God and the Angels know when that time is,
if they are coming to you and your receiving signs to all the right doors opening to you then you need to grab this chance with both hands,
as you never know when this chance will come around again.

This card is a number 19 which represents:

x Love & Light to surround you, my friends x


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