One of the most widespread causes of feeling vaguely unwell, and out of sorts is being un-grounded. Un-groundedness means you are not fully in your physical body, You are not in the present moment and your energy is scattered in all directions. Fortunately, a simple exercise as you leave your bed in the morning, will get you focused and into your body. When you initially do this exercise it will seem to take along time, But it will become easier,and quicker, with practise... At first you should conduct the exercise sitting down, But later on you will be able to do do it standing up, if you wish... TECHNIQUES: 1. Sit comfortable in a chair, with both feet flat on the floor... i do this bare footed to feel more rooted!If your feet don't reach the floor, place a cushion beneath t...
CARD 3: Material Harvest: You have been drawn to this card by no accident, if you have been working hard securing your future and not seeing any rewards from it! then this card is defiantly for you! This message that your going to hear today could be the sign you have been waiting for. Heaven has seen you work hard hour after hour and they have also heard your prayers, at times you might of thought they were wasted prayers that arent getting much notice you was totally off track there, the reason you thought you had no answers from your prayers and the time where you just work work and work, with your body aching you have felt weary through working as hard as you have but with your persistence and patience for your heart desiring and pushing you through every step of the way this is your rewarding timing, and you do deserve that reward after what you have been through. There has been time where it seems the whole world is ignoring you and let you down you ...
How to Deal With Psychic Vampires Psychic vampires, also known as energy vampires, are emotionally immature individuals who drain the time and energy from those around them. They are usually highly self-interested and lack empathy. The relationships they form are largely self serving. You can deal with psychic vampires by identifying psychic vampires in your life, setting firm boundaries with these people, and working on your own sense of self esteem and self worth. 1 Familiarize yourself with the various types of psychic vampires. Psychic vampires come in a variety of forms. Relationships that drain our energy can manifest in a variety of personality types. Recognize the various forms psychic vampires can take. Narcissistic psychic vampires have grandiose senses of self importance and entitlement. They tend to lack empathy and become withholding or cold if you don't do things their way. This ...
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