Regular relaxation conveys an enormous benefit to your health and plays a major part in preventing disease. Crystals quieten your body, mind and emotions, bringing about a deep sense of calm and centredness. If you feel uptight, crystals will help you to unwind: if you feel physically jittery and cannot stay still, crystal will relax your muscles, and if your thoughts are racing, they will shut down your mind, Taking 15 to 20 minutes out of your day to relax with your crystals will bring you inner peace that radiates out into your daily life. Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser It Induces a profound sense of peace and relaxation. Blue Lace Agate links your thought processes to the spiritual vibration. The serene energies of Blue Lace Agate induce profound peace of mind. Clear Quartz takes your vibrations back to a state of perfect balance. It acts as a deep soul cleanser and draws spiritual energies into the physical body. Green Aventurine is a comforter and hear...