
Showing posts from March, 2019

Grounding Techniques

One of the most widespread causes of feeling vaguely unwell, and out of sorts is being un-grounded. Un-groundedness means you are not fully in your physical body, You are not in the present moment and your energy is scattered in all directions. Fortunately, a simple exercise as you leave your bed in the morning, will get you focused and into your body.                                           When you initially do this exercise it will seem to take along time, But it will become easier,and quicker, with practise... At first you should conduct the exercise sitting down, But later on you will be able to do do it standing up, if you wish... TECHNIQUES: 1. Sit comfortable in a chair, with both feet flat on the floor... i do this bare footed to feel more rooted!If your feet don't reach the floor, place a cushion beneath t...

Healing Negative Emotions

Crystals draw out difficult emotions. They can be taken as a gem elixir or placed over the appropriate chakra. As the crystal is placed, Visualise it pulling the negative emotion from the physical bodies, And then filling the space with the crystal's unique healing vibration.. Crystals For Anger                                 (Base Chakra) Blue Lace Agate gently dissolves anger replacing it with profound peace. Carnelian calms anger and is helpful for moving beyond abuse                              (Which can also cause feelings of impotence and powerlessness.) Amethyst dispels anger and deep-seated rage,                       transmuting it into a loving energy and can dispel the grief that often underlies rage.  BloodSto...

Healing Depression With Crystals..

Depression is an extremely debilitating emotional state which manifests somewhat differently according in its cause. Wear a crystal according to the type of depression you are experiencing or sip the gem elixir at regular intervals throughout the day. Reactive Depression: Reactive depression occurs in response or as a reaction to life events. It is triggered by a stressful condition in the family or a personal situation but it may also be linked to emotional blockages or suppressed memories. It is common partner of people who suffer from depression. Reactive depression is alleviated by happy events or by removal of the stressful situation. Typically, symptoms are less noticeable in the morning and increase during the day. Endogenous Depression : Endogenous depression is not alleviated by happy events and is believed to be caused by biochemical imbalances, although emotional factors or spiritual disease will also be present. The sufferer has disturbed sleep and eating patt...


C RYSTALS FOR YOUR EMOTIONS.. Wearing or surrounding  yourself with crystals helps you keep your emotions in balance. The crystals gently release the emotional blockages or suppressed feeling that cause your moods to fluctuate. Emotional Rescue Remedy.. Place a Rose Quartz over your heart, A Smoky Quartz over your Solar Plexus, And an Amethyst over your higher heart chakra, Leave in place for 20 minutes, to restore emotional equilibrium. Amethyst balances out emotional highs and lows, encouraging emotional centring. It gently dissolves emotional blocks Rose Quartz is the master healer for the emotions. Calming and reassuring, It strengthens empathy's and sensitivity, Helping you to understand how other people feel and how that effects you. This beautiful crystal releases unexpressed emotions and heals heartache, Transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves you. It comforts grief and help self-for...