7 chakra balancing with crystals..
CROWN CHAKRA.. Rugilated Quartz The strands inside Rutilated Quartz perfectly represent how this crystal creates channels for spiritual energy to flow through your body. By aligning chakras and balancing the auric field it enables you to access more intuition and spiritual guidance than before . THIRD EYE CHAKRA.. T his chakra resonates to the colors of purple and indigo. As you will see from the many pictures shown here, some healing crystals that are not the specific chakra colors will also assist in developing this area. This is particularly true of high vibration crystals. Many crystals of these chakra colors are easily obtained, in particular a quartz crystal which is favorite of many people, Purple Amethyst Crystals . Some of the third eye chakra stones with strong crystal energy will work simultaneously on the fourth chakra, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and the other transpersonal chakras which are above both the crown and the s...